Team Roster Edits

This year, the rosters on NEAHL are being imported from HCR.  Each association will have to login to the Alberta One website with the credentials sent out to submit their rosters to the NEAHL.  NEAHL will then attach those rosters to teams on our website.  Once the teams are linked, any time a player or team official is added to a team's roster on HCR, they will also be automatically added to the team's roster on NEAHL within an hour.


Managers will NOT be able to add, edit or delete players or bench staff with their team login.  Once a player or team official record is imported into NEAHL, the link does NOT bring over any updates to that record that are made in HCR.  Changes (e.g. updating a phone number) will have to be done manually in NEAHL by deputies or web admin.


Managers will still have access to jersey numbers (either through their team login eg if you want to add the jersey numbers to your players or with the gamesheet code eg if you need to add a jersey number to an AP player).  If any other changes need to be made to the roster, contact your deputy governor, the web admin, or submit this form.


This form is ONLY if changes are required to a player or bench staff record on a roster that is already in NEAHL.  This is NOT for teams to submit their entire roster.  Rosters MUST be submitted via the Alberta One login.  You can use this form to submit a non-rostered team contact to NEAHL, but they will be marked as non-HCR on the website.


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