U11 - 5 - Frog Lake TBirds


Name Position Contact
Sheila Dion Manager sheilajdion@froglake.ca
RORY YOUNGCHIEF Coach nehiyog@netscape.net
RORY YOUNGCHIEF Coach ryoungchief47@gmail.com
RORY YOUNG CHIEF Coach ryoungchief47@gmail.com
KEESA MOYAH On-ice Volunteer keesamoyah@gmail.com
DANIELLE WEENIE On-ice Volunteer danielletkweenie@gmail.com
SHEILA DION Assistant Coach sheilajdion82@gmail.com
TYLER JOHN Coach tyjohn757@yahoo.ca
KASONDRA STANLEY Manager kasondrastanley@gmail.com
SHAWN WASKAHAT Assistant Coach sean.339@yahoo.com
JOEY YOUNGCHIEF Assistant Coach joeyyoungchief69@gmail.com
SHAWN WASKAHAT Manager sean.339@yahoo.com
JUSTICE POTTS On-ice Volunteer justiceaaliyah96@gmail.com
SHAYDEN ABRAHAM On-ice Volunteer garygquinney@gmail.com
TACI QUINNEY On-ice Volunteer lincolnquinney@froglake.ca
SEAN FAITHFUL On-ice Volunteer jfaithful22@gmail.com
MASON YOUNGCHIEF On-ice Volunteer terezjade@gmail.com
TEDDI OMEASOO Manager teddib40@gmail.com

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