Rosters, Gamesheets, Suspensions

Oct. 19, 2023


All team rosters have been submitted to NEAHL, and the roster sync appears to have caught up.  All players and bench staff should now be imported from HCR, and any members added to HCR rosters should be coming over to NEAHL automatically shortly after being entered.  If you add a new player or coach to HCR and they do not appear on your NEAHL roster within a couple of hours, please let us know at  

Please note that ALL member records on the HCR roster are imported, whether pending, approved, or released.  You must let your deputy governor or know if there is a released member on your NEAHL roster so that they can be deactivated on NEAHL.

Teams are still required to upload a PDF of their HCR roster (get this from your association's registrar).  Login to RAMP with your team login credentials, click HCR File > Choose File [click on the file wherever you have it saved] > Upload File.  Please upload a new roster if you make any changes (e.g. add affiliated players) or your roster changes from pending to approved.


Now that rosters have imported, please make sure your gamesheets from last weekend are uploaded to the NEAHL website. 

You must also mark the game as "game is finished" when all the data has been entered. 

If you used a paper gamesheet, you will need to upload a copy of the gamesheet and any incident reports using your team login.  It is up to you whether you enter the rest of the gamesheet data through the app or through the online game portal.

Due to all the issues last weekend, the gamesheets were unlocked.  They will remain unlocked for this weekend since many teams were unable to use the app due to missing rosters.  After this weekend, the system will be set to lock gamesheet entry after 4 hours from game start time.  


There is no way for managers to mark players as suspended on the gamesheet app.  The deputies have to mark them as suspended through the ramp website, and then the players are supposed to appear as suspended in the roster for however many games the deputy has checked off.  However, we are having issues with this feature.  A ticket has been sent to ramp support.  If your suspended players are not marked as suspended, please just let your deputy know that they have served the game even though they were not on the roster.  We are hoping that this will be fixed before the games this weekend.





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