Ramp Gamesheet App Issues

Dec. 13, 2024

There have been a few reports today of the gamesheet app not working.  


I have been able to get into the games that others were reporting errors on.  I got an error with one code, but it worked when I tried it a second time a few minutes later.


Some options:

Keep trying the codes.

Try a different device or ask someone else to try entering the codes with their account.

If you are having an issue with the home or visitor code, you can ask the scorekeeper to put in your team roster under that code.

You can ask your deputy to create a new listing for your game.  That will create new game codes.  Anyone who has already entered a roster using the previous game codes would need to enter it again using the code for the new game listing.  But please keep in mind that your deputy may be at a game or otherwise unable to access ramp themselves.


If the the scorekeeper is not able to get into the app at all, you may have to use a paper game sheet.  If you do not have an NEAHL game sheet available, use your association game sheet and enter the NEAHL game information at the top.  The home team manager would then have to enter the game stats on the website and upload a copy of the game sheet.


 We are hoping that this this is not a system wide issue and that most game sheet app users will not have any problems.  Ramp has been notified that there have been some issues today.


From Ramp support:


Hello from Ramp Support!


Have they tried logging out and back in? I had someone reach out to me yesterday with this error and it resolved it for them.


If not, try to check if their version is up to date. Find the app in your device's app store and see if the store is asking you to update the app or open it. If it says update, it means the app needs that update.


Last but not least, they can try to delete/reinstall the app.


Currently there are no widespread known problems.

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