U18 - 3

Mallaig Monarchs


Hughenden Jets


# Date Location Home Visitor
Sun, Dec. 17, 2017 3:30 PM Mallaig Arena Mallaig Monarchs Hughenden Jets

Scoring 1st 2nd 3rd Total
Mallaig Monarchs 0 1 0 1
Hughenden Jets 2 1 3 6

Shots 1st 2nd 3rd Total
Mallaig Monarchs 0 0 0 0
Hughenden Jets 0 0 0 0

Power Plays
Mallaig Monarchs --
Hughenden Jets --

Scoring Summary

Period 1
Hughenden Jets at 19:33 - #5 Reece Moody from #7 Brandon Buxton and #6 Jared Johnson
Hughenden Jets at 13:16 - #4 Ryan McLaughlin from #8 Sasha Robitaille and #14 Keaton Phillips
Period 2
Hughenden Jets at 12:23 - #15 Aidan Metz from #2 Kelton Spencer and #12 Trenton Small
Mallaig Monarchs at 9:53 - #77 Koby Hunter
Period 3
Hughenden Jets at 7:32 - #2 Kelton Spencer from #12 Trenton Small and #9 Joel Morrison
Hughenden Jets at 6:05 - #8 Sasha Robitaille from #6 Jared Johnson and #7 Brandon Buxton
Hughenden Jets at 1:58 - #14 Keaton Phillips

Penalty Summary

Period 1
No Penalties
Period 2
Hughenden Jets at 18:37 - #9 Joel Morrison for Tripping Minor 8.6a(2 pim)
Hughenden Jets at 14:32 - #18 Jayden Ramage for Tripping Minor 8.6a(2 pim)
Mallaig Monarchs at 14:01 - #21 Kain Tizzard for Head Contact Minor 7.6a(2 pim)
Hughenden Jets at 11:56 - #14 Keaton Phillips for Interference (2 pim) Minor 8.3a
Mallaig Monarchs at 10:11 - #21 Kain TizzardServed by #15 Dryden Tizzard for Checking from Behind Minor 7.5a(2 pim)(must enter a GM as well)
Mallaig Monarchs at 10:11 - #21 Kain Tizzard for Game Miscconduct 4.8(10 pim) Official must specify rule # of offence in incident report.
Mallaig Monarchs at 6:15 - #69 Colby Cardinal for Hooking Minor 8.2a(2 pim)
Period 3
Hughenden Jets at 14:39 - #9 Joel Morrison for Slashing Minor 9.3a(2 pim)
Mallaig Monarchs at 11:15 - #17 Wyatt Feland for Unsportsmanlike Conduct Minor 11.1a(2 pim)
Hughenden Jets at 11:15 - #8 Sasha Robitaille for Unsportsmanlike Conduct Minor 11.1a(2 pim)
Mallaig Monarchs at 7:13 - #77 Koby Hunter for Charging Minor 7.4a(2 pim)
Mallaig Monarchs at 6:16 - #17 Wyatt Feland for Tripping Minor 8.6a(2 pim)

Mallaig Monarchs Players

# Name G A PTS PIM
77 Koby Hunter 1 0 1 2.00
5 Levi Cardinal 0 0 0 0.00
8 Reece Moosewah 0 0 0 0.00
12 Garrett Smyl 0 0 0 0.00
13 Trey Shirt 0 0 0 0.00
15 Dryden Tizzard 0 0 0 0.00
17 Wyatt Feland 0 0 0 4.00
21 Kain Tizzard 0 0 0 14.00
35 Lance Dubeau 0 0 0 0.00
66 Tate Jackson 0 0 0 0.00
69 Colby Cardinal 0 0 0 2.00
89 Greg Hunter 0 0 0 0.00

Mallaig Monarchs Goalies

35 Lance Dubeau 60:00 6 0 -6 -Infinity

Mallaig Monarchs Staff


Hughenden Jets Players

# Name G A PTS PIM
2 Kelton Spencer 1 1 2 0.00
8 Sasha Robitaille 1 1 2 2.00
14 Keaton Phillips 1 1 2 2.00
6 Jared Johnson 0 2 2 0.00
7 Brandon Buxton 0 2 2 0.00
12 Trenton Small 0 2 2 0.00
4 Ryan McLaughlin 1 0 1 0.00
5 Reece Moody 1 0 1 0.00
15 Aidan Metz 1 0 1 0.00
9 Joel Morrison 0 1 1 4.00
1 Curtis Torpe 0 0 0 0.00
11 Calen Sayer 0 0 0 0.00
13 Ethan Holte 0 0 0 0.00
16 Evan Wahlstrom 0 0 0 0.00
18 Jayden Ramage 0 0 0 2.00
31 Grady Fisher 0 0 0 0.00

Hughenden Jets Goalies

1 Curtis Torpe 60:00 1 0 -1 -Infinity

Hughenden Jets Staff



Daniel Gadowski, referee
Danny D, referee

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